
Biography ultima modifica: 2015-01-18T19:33:47+00:00 da nadmin

Giovanni “Nanni” Angeli

Nanni Angeli was born in Sassari in 1969. He started photography in 1989 focusing his research on landscapes. In this period he started the project “Objects…Life”, a photographic survey of the ‘stazzi’, and their historical change of use, and of the objects that have characterised the socio-economic activities of these habitations units.

In 1990 he moved to Trieste, where in 1919 he started researching on black and white photography.

From 1992 to 2911 he lived in Bologna, where he worked as stage photographer in theatre and music performances, especially in the experimentation sector, consistently documenting the Bologna ‘alternative’ scene.

In 1993 he was among the founders of the Associazione Culturale Sarditudine.

From 1993 to 1998 he documented the activities of Scuola Popolare di Musica Ivan Illich. From 1994 to 2001 he worked at LINK Project – centre of independent cultural production – as documentary photographer for the press agencies Music and Theatre, equally working on his personal archive and on a research on the photographic representation of performative events.

From 1993 to 2000 he photographed more that seventy hundred theatre events, a work though which it is possible to trace the history of what the town of Bologna has produced, especially in non-institutional venues (LINK Project, L57, Cantine del Pratello Occupato, Angelica Festival, TPO, etc.).

In 1993 he started a personal research on popular festive gatherings in Sardinia, concentrating on the functions of the Holy Week in Cuglieri and Calstelsardo, a work which is still in progress.

In 1994 he met the photographer Massimo Golfieri, with whom, beyond specialising on the study of press “fine art”, in black and white, he learnt ‘new possibilities’ of the gaze.

Since 1996 he has been working as artistic director of Isole che Parlano, (, the international Festival of Music, Theatre and Visual Arts, held every year in Palau.

Since 2001 he has been collaborating with the video maker Simone Ciani with whom he realises videos and didactic laboratories (video/photography) with adolescents, which up to now have produced two cortos: “Si…dimmi” 2004 and “Divieto dʼaccesso” 2005.

In 2002 he documented the construction of two new models of the guitar “Paolo Angeli”, one for the Sardinian guitarist, and the second one for Pat Metheny.

From 2004 to 2011 he was a member of the photographers’ Association “Piccolo Formato” in Bologna (, with which he practiced photographic didactics and organised and documented events.

In 2004 he created, with Tatiano Maiore, “Palau e la sua memoria …e andagghjami a pédi” a reportage/interview run in Palau with 53 old people, aged between 80 and 103 years old.

Since 2005 he has been member of the association “Ogros-fotografi Associati”.

From 2006 to 2008, with the photographers of “Piccolo Formato”, he has been collaborating on the realization of the project “infrazioni, stratificazioni e confini, a visual analysis of the town of Bologna” (, leading some photographic surveys and various workshops on the subject.

In 2007 in collaboration with the musician Paolo Angeli, he realised the multimedia show “Linee di Fuga”.

In 2009 he started a thematic research on his personal archive, presently in progress, entitled “Tutti i Giorni” (its first publication illustrates the n.°8 year 33 of “I Martedì”).

In 2009 he started the activity as stage photographer on cinema sets. In 2010 with Paolo Angeli, he realised and published “TIBI” Dual Disk (DVD/CD), the soundtrack, and montage of black and white images, documenting 10 years of history of the Prepared Sardinian Guitar.

In 2010 the I.S.R.E. in Sardinia financed his project “La porta a Levante – Genti, strutture e oggetti degli stazzi della Gallura contemporanea”, a research which lasted until October 2011.

In 2011, with Paolo Angeli, he realised “Il Passo dei Misteri”, a montage of black and white images which document 20 years of images related to the Holy Week in Cuglieri (OR), live sonorised.

Since 2011 he has lived in Sassari.


Il Passo dei Misteri, (2012 / Italy / 30min) by Nanni Angeli and Paolo Angeli, Sieff 2012  For the most innovative film: “a photographic and ethnomusicology work of vast breath is translated into a film. Through an innovative approach, the narration of the Holy Week rituals in Cuglieri is here narrated by creating a ‘new’ language, which includes aesthetic and emotional components of great suggestion”.



- Guardando Palau…punti di vista, (with Massimo Golfieri), live sonorized multivision by  30 musicians, Festival Vita di Janna, Palau (OT), 1994;
- Linee di Fuga, (with Paolo Angeli, and the video maker Simone Ciani), Un Isola in Festival-I  Edizione, Sardinia, 2007;
- Sponde di Passione, (with Paolo Angeli, Ganesh Anandan, Takumi Fukushima, the trapezes artist Elena Zanzu, the light designer Francesco Carta and the videomaker Simone Ciani), Un Isola in Festival-IIEdizione, Sinnai (CA), 2008 and Moers Jazz Festival, Germany, 2010;
- Tibi, (with Paolo Angeli and the videomaker Simone Ciani), realization of Dual Disk (DVD/CD) and Tour in various Italian and European towns in 2010 and 2011, Imola (BO) 2014;
- Il Passo dei Misteri (with Paolo Angeli and the videomaker Simone Ciani), Castelsardo (SS) 2011, Cuglieri (OR) 2012, Nonantola (MO), Arzachena (OT), Bortigiadas (OT) e Bolotana (NU) 2013, Sassari (SS) e Bologna (BO) 2014;



- Di Granito…linee e superfici, Festival Isole che Parlano, Palau (OT), 1996;
- Linee di Fuga, Museo Civico, Palau (OT), Gennaio 2000;
- Misteri, (exhibition and audio-installation), Galleria Piccolo Formato, Bologna and Castello dei Doria,
Castelsardo (SS), 2001; Centro di Documentazione, Palau, 2002; Cattedrale di Sin-le Noble (Francia), 2004;
- Palau e la sua memoria …e andagghjami a pédi, (with Tatiano Maiore, exhibition and audio- installation),Centro di Documentazione del Territorio, Palau, 2004; Festival Isola delle Storie, Gavoi eLibreria Modo Infoshop, Bologna, 2005;
- L’occhio e la sua parte – an inconographic research on the new Italian theatre, projection on walls, Festival Musica sulle Bocche, Santa Teresa, 2005;
- Tutti i Giorni, in ROUNDABOUT – Six Paths into Photography, Galleria Spazia e Camera a Sud, Bologna, 2010;
- Il Passo dei Misteri, (video installatio), Il Seminario Semina, Cuglieri, 2012;



- Foto giganti per la città, Festival Musica sulle Bocche, Santa Teresa, 2004;
- Note a margine – 10 fotografi raccontano la Sardegna, a project of Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, curated by G. Demuro, Nuova Expò, Olbia, 2004;
- Opening 05/06, Galleria Piccolo Formato, Bologna, 2005;
- Sguardi Sonori 2008: section of NET-ART with FOTOGRAFIA DIGITALE, itinerant exhibition at LanificioConte – Schio (Vicenza), Palazzo Orsini – Bomarzo (Viterbo), Villa d’Este – Tivoli (Roma), Rocca dei Rettori (Benevento) CAM_Casoria – Casoria (Napoli), 2008;
- BOOM! – Demolizione e ricostruzione di case popolari, by Urban Center in
collaboration with Piccolo Formato, Sala Borsa, Bologna 2010;
- FRATERNITÀ – SoundMaker Festival, by Daniele Coricciati, Capitolo Italiano della Royal Photographic Society, Chiesa di Casole, Copertino (LE), 2012.



- Rom Stalker (Campanotto editore, Udine, 1997);
- Patalogo (Ubulibri, Milano,1996,1997,2004);
- Nuova scena italiana (Castelvecchi, Roma, 2000);
- Certi prototipi di teatro (Ubulibri, Milano, 2001);
- The art is a fifth element: young Italian artists (Charta, Milano, 2001);
- Anatomia della fiaba (Ubulibri, Milano, 2002);
- Corpo Sottile, uno sguardo sulla nuova coreografia europea (Ubulibri, Milano, 2003);
- Reportages, Note a margine, 10 fotografi raccontano la Sardegna (Fondazione Banco di Sardegna, Sassari 2003
- Palau e la sua memoria … (Taphros editore, Olbia-SS, 2004);
- Incursioni (edizioni Zero/Zerynthia, Milano, 2005);
- Dagli anni 80 in poi: il mondo dell’arte contemporanea in Italia (Artshow Edizioni, Trieste 2005)
- Canto in Re (ISRE, Nuoro, 2006);
- Umberto Bignardi, Opere 1960-2003 (Arte e Arte, Bologna, 2005),
- Appunti di Viaggio (ABACO, MANTOVA, 2006);
- Tragedia e fiaba. Il teatro di Laminarie 1996-2008 (Titivillus, Corazzano (PI) 2008);
- WEST (Paris, Roma, Amsterdam, Athina, Wien,Berlin, Bruxelles,London, Beijing, Praha, Tokyo, NewYork)(Centro per l’arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci di Prato, Prato, 2011);
- ROUNDABOUT ZERO (Fina Estampa, Bologna, 2011);
- Largo all’Avanguardia-50 anni di musica Rock a Bologna (a cura di Oderso Rubini,Press Sonic, Bologna 2011);
- CliCiak-Concorso nazionale per fotografi di scena, XV edizione (a cura di Antonio Maraldi e Angela Gorini,Il Ponte Vecchio, Cesena 2012);



Among them: Musica Jazz, Chitarre, Strumenti musicali, Blow up, jazzit, Percussioni, Mucchio selvaggio, CatARSi, Link, Artò, Angelica, Molimo – Quaderni di antropologia culturale ed etnomusicologia, Zapruder- Storie in movimento etc;



Among them:  Tentaciones-El Pais, Sette-Corsera, D-donna-La Repubblica, Diario, Il Manifesto, La Repubblica, L’Unità, Il Resto del Carlino, La Nuova Sardegna, L’Unione Sarda, I Martedì, A rivista anarchica, Bell’Italia, etc;


CD (studio imagine)

- Dove dormono gli autobus Paolo Angeli (Erh 006 – 1995);
– Colpi Secchi/Giro di Basso Laboratorio di Musica e Immagine (Erh 008 – 1996);
– Mistress Stefano Zorzanello (Erh014 – 1997);
– Linee di fuga di Paolo Angeli (Erh012- 1998);
– Isole che parlano AA. VV. (Erh015 – 1996/1999);
– Mr. X Ella Guru (Bubol 001-1999);
– Intrassatta di As.Sur.D (ASS001-2001)
– Bucato di Paolo Angeli (ReR PA1 2003);
– La Pinguina innamorata di Associazione Le Cartole/Voci diversamente abili (Il manifesto 2003);
– MA.Ri di Paolo Angeli/Antonello Salis (AU9005-2004);
– Isole che parlano AA. VV. (ICPa-2004);
– Antenata di Berardi, Cattivelli, Galantino, Meyer, Spera, Zaric- Ambiances Magnétiques (AM 138-2005);
– E bì e bà. Canto e ballo sul tamburo nell’area napoletana acura di Mario Orabona (Erh022 – 2005);
– Nita l’angelo sul trapezio di Paolo Angeli (ReR PA2 2005);
– UOTHA di Paolo Angeli/Hamid Drake (Nu Bop 001-2006);
– Canto in Re di AA.VV. (ISRE/AMC 002-2006);
– Tessuti di Paolo Angeli (ReR PA3 2007);
– Da nessuna parte di AA. VV (Centre for Excellence in teaching and Learning/Newcastle University 2009);
- TIBI di Paolo Angeli/Nanni Angeli (ReR PA4/ALU007 2010);
– ITSUNOMANIKA di Paolo Angeli/Takumi Fukushima (ReR PA5/ALU008 2010);
– Platos Combinados di Piccola Orchestra Gagarin (WAJ 005/ALU 010 2011);
– Y’Anbessaw Tezeta di Getachew Mekuria & The Ex & Friends (TERP AS 21/22 2012);
– Sale Quanto Basta di Paolo Angeli (ReR PA6 2013);
– Deghe di Paolo Angeli-Hamid Drake Deghe (ReR PA7 2014);


A lot of  WEB SITES



Nanni Angeli
© Photo Salvatore Mattina



In more than 100 shows, among them:

- 1996 – Don Giovanni by W. A. Mozart, direction of Achim Freye
- 1996 – Il Risveglio by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti;
- 1997 -1999 Rom Stalker, Miseria ring, Disubbidienze, Terremare by Loredana Putignani;
- 1997 – 2000 Virgilio Sieni Danza
- 1997 – Autoritratto by Monica Francia;
- 1998 – 2008 Eudemonica, Serpenti and Bisce, Elementi da un’autobiografia by Laminarie;
- 2000 – Alcesti velata by Paolo Billi;
- 2000 – Otello-titolo provvisorio by Marco Mercante (finalist to Scenario 1999 and Iceberg-Bologna 2000);
- 2008 NNord by Roberto Latini and Fortebraccio Teatro;
- 1994 – 2008 theatre Zemrude;
- 2011 – Sconcerto d’amore by Compagnia Nando and Maila;

from 1994 to 2014: he collaborated with the Companies:
Aldes, Kinkalleri, Bustrik, Motus (L’Occhio Belva, Catrame, Urli neuronici sulle autostrade spinali, Room), Mk, Roberto Castello, Lenz Teatro, No vo Go Fronta Theatr, Mimmo Cuticchio, Insurgentas, Enzo Cosimi, Living Theatre, Magazzini Criminali, Marion d’Amburgo, Auele, Terzadecade, Teatrino Clandestino (L’Idealista Magico), UDU, Masque Teatro, Fanny & Alexander, Xavier Le Roy, Marco Cavicchioli, Anna Huber

And others



1991 -2014 – he documented more than 1000 music events, single concerts, workshops, festivals, often an the official photographer;


- 2010 – “Baciato dalla fortuna”, film produced by Arella film and Medusa, Subject by Vincenzo Salemme, direction of Paolo Costella with Vincenzo Salemme, Alessandro Gassman, Asia Argento.
- 2009 – iv series of tv fiction “l’Ispettore Coliandro” (episodes “666“, “Anomalia 21”);


Since 2011 he has been editing the photographic documentation of the cinema Festival “La Valigia dell’Attore” (La Maddalena)

© Photo Francesco Conversano
© Photo Francesco Conversano


- 2004-l 2010: member of the Associazione “Piccolo Formato”, Bologna;
- 2004 – 2005: he conducts, with the video maker Simone Ciani, various didactic laboratories with adolescents, on commission of social voluntary associations in Bologna, producing two cortos “Si…dimmi” (2004) and “Divieto d’accesso” (2005);
- 2008: an analogic photographic course at ISART (Istituto Statale D’Arte) Bologna;
- 2011: he conducts part of the course “Incontri di Fotografia” at the Ex Q, Sassari;
- 2011: he plans and conducts “Come mi Vedo-no”, on commission of social services of the city hall of Palau;
- 2012/2013- he plans and develops “Dentro il Cambiamento, paesaggi di un futuro presente”, the project of extra-curriculum formation to the use of audio-visual media for students of three Liceums on the Province of Sassari, on commission of the Associazione Ogros;
- 2013 – he plans and conducts the project “Vivere la Città” for young people from 6 to 21 years old, on commission of Palau Social services.

Nanni Angeli foto ©Nanni Angeli
foto ©Nanni Angeli